
Sunday 7 October 2018


It's been so long, I don't know where to start - or even if anyone is still around!

I had a brief break for quilting (a few months) which turned into nearly two years. Then I got locked out of here for a while. But I'm easing my way back into quilting - at my own pace now (no longer working for magazines, less pressure for making all those quilts as gifts) and thought it was time to start sharing what I've been working on and what you've missed.

So while I relearn how to blog, here's a little look at a newly finished quilt which just needs a label before I can deliver it:

Please say hi and let me know if you're still reading!


  1. Still here and happy to see you’re back! Hope all is well....greetings from a wanna-be Art quilter in Canada!

  2. Glad to see that you back.. and in the creative mood!!! I personally couldn't imagine those kinds of deadlines ALL the TIME!!

  3. Hello! I hadn't followed very long before your rest time but I can certainly understand the need to take a break from things.I have trouble saying no to things and find myself overwhelmed often. Welcome back! I wish you the best and look forward to your updates!

  4. Still here, welcome back!!

  5. Hello! Lovely to see you blogging again!

  6. Hello welcome back and looking forward to seeing your makes.

  7. Wonderful to see your work again, and I totally understand getting a little burned out on any hobby. But you always do beautiful, gorgeous things and have inspired many of us to wish and dream our way back to quilting.

  8. Lovely to see your post appear on Bloglovin today, and to see that you are sill quilting. Jill

  9. Welcome back! It's lovely to see that you're still making your beautiful quilts 🙂

  10. What a lovely surprise. Looking forward to your new work!

  11. Hi Emma,
    I am still here too but only sporadically blogging. Looks like next year I will be out of a job so more time for quilting and crafting and blogging in general.
    I think for many of us the parameters of blogging have changed so much with other ever present social media - it is about working out a style and schedule that suits each of us.
    Welcome back!

  12. I'm so glad you're back. Looking forward to catching up!

  13. I often wondered what had happened to you. So glad that you are back and sharing your work.

  14. Yay!
    Often wondered where you went.
    So nice to see you back.

  15. Hi Emma! It's so good to know you're blogging again! I just happened to run across this post, so I will be sure to follow along again. I've missed seeing what you're up to, but I'm glad you're still quilting. And I think you made the right decision about always creating for magazines. That can be very wearing.
