
Sunday 23 May 2010


Today we went to my parents' for morning tea. Neither James nor Eleanor were feeling the best, so we took along the new snuggle quilts I've made them. I haven't photographed the quilts properly yet, but here they are in use:
Playing with Grandma (my grandma; one of their great grandmothers)

They're made of flannel quilt fabrics - mostly Valori Wells' designs, including the fabrics I won in a giveaway on her blog a while ago. They particularly love owls at the moment, and call these their 'Hoot' quilts. They will be named 'Giggle' and 'Hoot' when I get around to attaching the labels I printed this afternoon.

It didn't take long after I got the quilts out for them to warm to the other guests and start playing a giggly game of hide-and-seek under their quilts!