
Sunday 23 May 2010

A shelf at last!

About 2 years ago I bought a shelf to go above the computer desk. Suddenly (finally!) yesterday Simon decided he'd put it up for me. At the same time, I made sure he put up my pinboard - which hasn't been up or in use since I moved out of home 11 years ago!
The pinboard is likely to get a lot more cluttered over time, and is already turning out to be very handy. I'm still playing with options about what to store permanently on the shelf. At the moment there's a pile of quilts, incuding some of mine, a few WIPs and half a dozen mini quilts from swaps which are waiting to be hung while I sort out the final wall. And a beautiful bunch of irises (my favourites) which Simon brought home for me on Friday.


  1. I know the feeling of finally getting something like that done! My hubby can do ANYTHING, but the farm usually gets all his attention. This past winter he put up a plate rail sort of shelf for me that I had 'for a while'. I was so pleased. Just makes you want to take it a step further and get more organized or display something cool....looking good!

  2. Snap! Although my shelves (we've had them now for two years) are still in the cupboard :)
