
Monday 3 May 2010

Lilac Soda in AP&Q

I didn't properly blog this quilt when I finished it, and decided to save the detail photos for when it came out in Australian Patchwork & Quilting vol 19 no 2, so here you go. Unfortunately they were taken with the old camera, so aren't as sharp as I'd like.
This was one of my early quilts on my new machine, and I was still playing with settings.
One of the main reasons I wanted to make this quilt were to feather the white parts of the swirls as I did on Breaking Surf.
For some reason I found this shape really easy to feather.
And then it was fun adding in little swirls and scrolls on the rest of the quilt. This quilt has absolutely no quilting in-the-ditch!
I used more of my favourite purple leaf print in this quilt - then got help from my friendly blog readers to find more and stocked-up! Thanks in particular to Annie for that!
I'm not yet sure what this quilt's final desination will be. As much as I love it, I don't really need more quilts in this size
I think perhaps if a certain new arrival turns out to be a girl, I may just be able to part with it for the right mother.
For now I'll get back to the owls and squirrels quilt.
But my next quilt is going to use this swirl block again - in a totally different way.


  1. That's a very cute quilt and I especially love the quilting that you did.

  2. Very beautiful! I'd forgotten about helping you find that, hee hee. What a fun age we live in when we can do such things as shopping with someone half-way around the world. eh? I'm glad you got it, you put it to such good use. What a very nice quilt. You are so talented.

  3. You quilts are lovely wish i could quilt like you do, just beautiful

  4. Emma - that quilt is so lovely - your quilting is fantastic! I am hoping to get to your level.

  5. The quilt's colouring is lovely and the quilting is just perfect!
