
Sunday 27 June 2010

Giveaway Sundays - Week 4

Here's the fourth giveaway, just before midnight!

This week it's six half-yard cuts of batik fabrics:

To give you an idea of scale, those butterflies at the top left are about 2in across.

How to enter: This week I want you to leave a comment on this post tellingl me whether you like the quilting part of making a quilt or not - and why that is. International entries are welcome as always. Entries are open until next Saturday, when I'll announce the winner. Good luck!


  1. I think I am first :-) I love love love the quilting part of making a quilt. There is just something about it that makes the quilt come together. As time goes on, I am hoping to improve my skills which are limited to mostly stipple right now lol! I love batiks!!

  2. oh, i am a flimsy gal... i love putting the tops together and right now have 6 tops hanging in the sewing room read to quilt...

  3. I do not like the machine quilting part of quilting. I find it really awkward to do. I have started learning to hand quilt for that reason. I enjoy it much more.

  4. I just barely learned how to machine quilt on my domestic machine. I am hoping to learn more on how to mark it, that seems to be the hardest part. I love how it turns out and feel very proud of the one queen sized quilt I have completed. :D

  5. The only quilting I like is straight line. I tried the meander and loopy quilting, but I just couldn't get the hand/foot coordination just right. However, I cannot afford to send them out so I guess I'll just have to keep working at it!!

  6. I enjoy cutting and piecing the best. The quilting part is not my favorite, as I feel that it is more of a challenge. I have gone back to more geometrical quilting and use the book by Mary Mashuta using the walking foot as a guide. I am much more satisfied with the effect.

  7. Of course I enjoy the piecing aspect but I enjoy, just as much, the quilting aspect. I want to be controlling everything in my work - and it never ceases to surprise me how a piece of patchwork will change in appearance with the actual quilting underway -

  8. I love the quilting part - I dislike the sandwiching :(
    I've been having a lot of fun this past year with FMQ and and practising. I love batiks, and those are some lovlies you are giving away!

  9. Quilting is my least favourite part of making a quilt. Once I have designed a quilt I can't wait to begin sewing it. But, once the sewing is under way, my mind has already raced ahead and begun to design the next. Hence, by the time I have finished piecing my quilt, my impatient brain is ready to begin the next and I have to really knuckle down and force myself to quilt the piece I have just finished. That is the trouble with a creative mind. There are too many ideas and just not enough time. I need to live to be at least 100 (with all my faculties) to make all the quilts that are racing around in my head!

  10. I really don't like the quilting part, which would explain all the unfinished quilts in my closet! I love choosing colors, cutting the fabric, and putting it back together much more than the finishing. If I have to quilt, it's pretty much only straight line.

  11. I don't like the quilting because I'm not very good at it. I do OK when I use a walking foot, but it's not really exciting--just sticks the layers together.

  12. For me the quilting part, at least for now, is the least enjoyable. Probably because I am extremely intimidated by the process. I am my own worst critic and I don't think I have the skills to accomplish the (machine) quilted part very well. I suppose if I practiced more............

  13. I love putting the quilt top together, but not quilting it. It's not as fun since I sold my quilting machine a few years ago. Still love to quilt though. Maybe someday I'll get to finish all the quilt tops hanging in my closet;D

  14. The quilting part is not my favorite. It is easier on small quilts, but the big ones is very difficult.

  15. Since I bought a long arm I like to do the quilting (with the long arm I say I am *drive quilting*, much preferable to the *push quilting* on a domestic machine). But I have to say I like variety - sometimes I prefer to do the piecing, other times I like the quilting, and at times I like the sit-in-front-of-the-tv-with-a-hand-binding.

  16. I must admit that quilting is my least favorite part--so far. I tend to do simple in the ditch or cross-hatch quilting. I think once I feel more confident about free motion I will really enjoy creating quilt motifs to enhance the pieced or appliqued design.

  17. I have quilt ADD which makes it hard to even get to the quilting part. I absolutely loooove piecing quilts together, but I'm not a huge fan of quilting them because it gets tedious for me. Maybe when I get better at quilting and have more design ideas I'll like it more, but for now, I'll stick to piecing and creating UFOs.

  18. I find myself in the group that likes the quilting process the least. I love choosing fabrics, cutting and piecing but always get stuck on the last part. Right now I have 4 quilt tops finished but just can't get past that to the quilting. Hmmmm. I do find that it gets done when I have a deadline. I work best under pressure.

  19. Hi! Beautiful batik fabrics!
    I have come to like machine quilting more and more.It is an important part of the quilt, and its part of fulfilling (maybe the wrong word, but I try) the idea of the quilt. I like to see quilting as a creative part, and if you are following a pattern, the quilting can be your way of putting something personal into the project. Hugs from Norway.

  20. The quilting part??? Gee that makes it difficult. I have a frame, but no real space to leave it up and be able to get all the way round without crawling underneath. (not a good sight to see)
    I love the quilting part,but I have not as yet progressed beyond meandering.

  21. My favorite part of making a quilt is everything but the "sandwiching of the quilt layers." Our machine isn't setup for machine quilting. We handquilt our quilt tops in the hoop. My mother is very good at handquilting, but I'm not that good even though like it. The batiks are beautiful. Please enter me into your drawing. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  22. I do like the quilting part. Sometimes more than the piecing. I am learning to machine quilt so it is a new adventure for me and maybe that is why I like it so much.

  23. I love putting the top together. I just love seeing it all come together from separate pieces to a finished design. That is the best part. I can do very little quilting but love what can be done on the long arm by a professional.
    Great giveaway. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great day.

  24. I love the entire process, from cutting to quilting.

  25. Love it when it is going well and working the way I want. Hate it when it isn't! :)

  26. I enjoy the piecing part of making a quilt. Once it comes time to sandwich, I get bored. I find the time I spend piecing the top is the most relaxing for me. Turn the music on and let my creative juices flow. When the top is done, my creativity finishes with it and it's on to piece another top :0)

  27. I hand quilt and although I love it when you look at a whole project the amount of work is daunting and more than a little off-putting.

  28. I usually come to the quilting part with a bit of dread, but once I get going I usually end up liking what I am doing. I am trying to do things besides the SID or meandering on my quilts. My last effort was a cable, but I did it by hand without stencils...I think a stencil will add a bit of professional looked great but not quite even. I want to also try my hand at a few freeform feathers....

    those batiks are gorgeous! I boy quilt and one girl baby quilt in my future if I win I think :)

  29. Ahhh, you had me at batik! Love those!

    As for quilting, I like it (I truly LOVE the sense of accomplishment), but my machine and I have been having disagreements about it lately. While FMQing I seem to break a thread every 2 minutes even after using every tip out there. Or I have tension issues. UGH.

    So lately I've been sending them to my mom to quilt -- luckily she is a longarmer and the fees are pretty good for me. ;)

  30. I love the quilting, I've been working on my free motion and every flower, feather and swirl makes me so happy. Plus I love the texture of a fully quilted quilt.

  31. After I have finished the top, I look at it and don't know how or what I am going to quilt on it. As I am basting my layers together, gradually the quilt "talks" to me. By the time I have finished the basting, I have a very good idea of how I want to proceed with the quilting. The whole process is exciting and I really do enjoy the actual machine quilting part of it all. Thank you for the great giveaway - the batiks would be an awesome addition to my collection. dianbob

  32. I do like the quilting part because it;s the coming together of all my work. I prefer machine quilting because it's quicker, but at the moment I am trying to improve my hand quilting. Very tedious! Am determined to improve though. I'm also working on my UFOs at the moment, so I have a lot of quilting to do! One of them is a butterfly quilt for a friend's special birthday. Have a great day! :-) LindyV

  33. I like the quilting part of a quilt as I do all handquilting, so it is a long process, but very calming and really satisfying when finished.

  34. I still don't like machine quilting, but I do love getting a quilt back from my longarm helper! I will hand-quilt my small pieces and really look forward to working on them in the winter.

    christina.dreyer.1 at gmail dot com

  35. ann i Örebro3 July 2010 at 18:36

    I´m not so very fond of sandwiching but I like quilting specially handquilting.Not so god at machinequilting but I´m training.
