
Tuesday 29 June 2010

Reunited with my sewing machine

I've not actually sewn a stitch for almost a week. I've been dithering over a quilting design for Jindy, my snuggle quilt. I wanetd something flowing and not too dense. I also wanted something that didn't need marking, and of course not a stipple.
I'm using a lovely deep aqua flannel on the back of this quilt - nothing I did in Photoshop could get an accurate colour; every time I got it blue enough it went all greyed.
Then the latest issue of Australian Patchwork & Quilting arrived in my letterbox on Friday. On page 63 is a quilt called Inner Piece, which has a beautiful feathers and swirls pattern. It's so even that it mst be a longarm pantograph, but I've been doodling similar patterns for a few days, and tonight I got stuck into it.
It's denser than I'd planned, but by keeping the feathers large, it's not too slow - though there's still a lot to go. I find I need to pause after each element to plan where the next will go to keep it even, and that combined with a bit of double-back on the swirls is what's taking the time.
It feels good to be back at the machine.


  1. That's a gorgeous quilting pattern. You've outdone yourself, once again!

  2. wow, that quilting is fantastic!

  3. What a Beautiful looks Fabulous...

  4. Wonderful job! I too want to be able to eyeball a pattern and just go with it without marking. Will have to study those pictures a bit longer to figure out how you did it without stopping? You couldn't draw it out for us could you????

  5. Wonderful quilting and a fantastic design. Well done!

    Have a super great day.

  6. This is a great pattern. I'd love to see a picture of the original (or a larger view of your's!)
