
Saturday 17 July 2010


With Simon's sister visiting from interstate last week, we had to try and get a photo of all five grand children togetehr. But trying to get a 4-year-old, two 3-year-olds, a 1-year-old and an 8-week-old looking nice for the camera resulted in chaos!
The newest addition to the group of cousins blissfully slept through the excitement and noise.

Eleanor was especially mischievous!

And next...I'm starting on a beach quilt for baby Georgia. I actually have two (slightly different, as always) to make at once, and will be documenting the process with lots of photos in readiness for the pattern.


  1. What fun is this! And the baby slept through it all.
    Great kids!

  2. out-takes for group grandkids pics are the best!
