
Saturday 17 July 2010

Little sister

Finally the other night I managed to give the gorgeous Miss One her belated first birthday present. The good thing about one-year-olds is they don't mind if their presents are a bit late!

Her older sister recieved her doll's quilt for her third birthday at the beginning of the year (to match her bed quilt, which was for her second birthday) but I figured she'd probably like to have one sooner and be like her big sister!
I have blogged some inside photos before, but here are some decent ones at last.
I made a small mistake when piecing the centre block - I forgot it wasn't going on-point, and got the bird orientation wrong. Here's the whole quilt on point showing how it should ahve been - but I didn't realise until I was already quilting - too late to make such a change.
This quilt, like the matching bed quilt I'll have to make in about 6 months' time, features Patty Young's Flora and Fauna fabrics, in the stone and raspberry colourways.
It was a lucky choice, because she happens to love birds.
I really enjoyed quilting this one.
Most of the feathers are freehand - all except these:
When I first designed this quilt (and the matching bed quilt) I really wanted to make them for Eleanor, but then I realised they'd clash horribly with her wallhanging, so decided to make them for my niece as originally planned. I'm glad I did.
Eleanor might get hers - one day!


  1. Fantastic, Beautiful, Gorgeous! Super well done, she is one lucky little girl. The quilting is super excellent!

    Have a super great day.

  2. Very cute -- like the humming bird.

  3. Wow Emma, that is one mind-bending design! It's beautiful and the quilting is wonderful (again!).
