
Saturday 30 October 2010

The back of May

This is the first of a couple of self-indulgent, photo-heavy posts about the wholecloth quilt I made for the EBDQS4. It is currently on its way to its new owner.

These photos are from the back, showing the quilting texture, and I managed to get a few backlit by the sun, with the colours coming through.

I really struggled over the name; the 'block' designs come from a Karen Stone quilt called Cinco de Mayo, which seemed very appropriate, since the 5th of May happens to be my birthday! Someone else's birthday is also in May...

Click on any of the photos to see them in greater detail.

Most quilts I finish I am really proud of at the time, because they represent something new I've tried, or an improvement in my skill. You can guess that is is one of these!

Despite all the quilting, one thing I really love about this quilt is the few sections quilt I deliberately left unquilted; they pop beautifully.

The photo above was taken with the sun behind, and with the co,our coming through, could almost eb the front.

More different textures,

and patterns.

Next up I'll show the front properly...


  1. I love everything about this quilt! It could easily be displayed from either side.

  2. That is a trully stunning Quilt!

  3. What a masterpiece Emma! You should be very proud of that quilt as it showcases your wonderful talent and I wish it was for me! Susan :)

  4. I'm an in awe of all that WORK!!!!

  5. Wow!! That is amazing !
    I actually popped in to your blog because I ha a good chuckle about your mile of fabric stash ! Woman after my own heart !

  6. Love it, not as good as my Wols, you will never top yourself on that quilt! How much thread did you use on this one?

  7. I am speechless every time I look at this quilt! It is beautiful, and so inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Beautiful Quilting for sure! Love all the textures.

  9. Hi Emma - I love this - I was wondering what thread you used. I just used some color on white and it didn't stand out as much as I wanted it too. I was going to experiment with some thicker Aurifil cotton threads as I had been using Superior So Fine #50. Very boring question I know. Its beautiful - I'd love my color thread work to stand out as much. x
