
Sunday 31 October 2010


Here's the front of the wholecloth quilt. Not surprisingly, it's practically the same as the back; just with more colour!

I love the texture created in this quilt with all the different quilting patterns, and by leaving just a few acrs deliberately unquilted.

Some of the patterns are definite fillers, while others were specifically designed for their space.

I tried to use as many patterns as possible, and I remember there are over fifty.

I did end up repeating some designs, and others I modified ever-so-slightly, such as changing the direction of the lines.

A few of the designs didn't quite go as planned, as almost designed themselves as I quilted.

A few of the blocks have segments separated by narrow (about 1/4in) strips (as in the block above) and I enjoyed coming up with different fillers for these, too.

This quilt was an amazing was to practice filler patterns! A lot of them I came up with myself, but I also used some from Leah Day's project, and others I adapted from existing designs. Oddly enough, in my doodlings earlier in the year, I'd come up with some designs almost identical to some Leah later showed, such as the coffee beans!

It was also a good test (mostly successful) of shrinking designs I'd only before stitched on a larger scale.

I'm really pleased with how the feathered corners tie the whole thing together. They were all stitched completely freehand, without any marking.

Each 'block' finished at about 7.5in square - not surprisingly, the quilting resulted in a lot of shrinkage in this small quilt!

It was challenging to photograph this quilt and get the zing of colour to really show.

So on a whim, I took a few photos using the Pop-Art setting on my camera.

While it made the orange, in particular, rather flourescent, these photos are in many ways a better representation of what the quilt actually looks like!

Just indulge me through the last few photos, trying to show as many designs as possible in a small space...

I had been concerned when I started planning this quilt that the colour wouldn't be enough, but I'm very pleased with how it come out.

I quilted "EBDQS4" into one section of the border; unless you know it's there, it blends into the rest of the quilting pattern:

I'm already planning more wholecloth quilts like this.

I do take commissions, so please contact me if you are interested.


  1. Emma - There are not words to describe how incredable this quilt and the quilting is!!! Wow, wow, wow!!! Such dedication to a gorgeous project!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. This quilt is just sooo beautiful!! Love the colours, the quilting is fantastic! Congratulations!

  3. I cant believe how beautiful the quilt is. Congrats. I just bought the new Patchwork and Quilting magazine -I love your quilt.


    Can I have it?

  5. Emma, words fail on how lovely this quilt is - it's just gorgeous, beautiful, and truly stunning!

  6. I am so impressed , beautiful --cottonreel

  7. It is stunning - the recipient of that quilt is going to be so lucky!

  8. Amazing what you have done with thread.

  9. YOU are a quilting GOD !!! The quilting is freaking AMAZING !!!!!

  10. your quilt is beautiful! what skill and control you have! the rainbow of threads you used are perfect! keep up the good work!
    (mauh) Liz

  11. Simply gorgeous! (and amazing!!)

  12. Amazing!! I would have to have some kind of markings on the blocks. My spacing would be so off otherwise.

  13. Just saw this on the Modern Quilting Stitches flicker and had to come see more on your blog. THIS IS STUNNING!!! The whole thing completely blows me away from the design, colour to the stitching detail. AWESOME :)

  14. I am completely overwhelmed with your talent and the beauty of this quilt and believe me, I am rarely speechless. WOW! I an only aspire to such greatness!!

  15. Oh my and I am thrilled completing a nine patch!! Absolutely amazing, you are definitely an artist and then some! Where did you learn to do something like that? And how much would you sell the quilts for. They would not last long!

  16. Emma, this is such a beautiful quilt, you did a very good job designing and executing such a gorgeous quilt!
    -Emma :)

  17. Emma, I'm a longarm quilter in Canada. One of my customers pointed me to your blog, specifically to this NYB wholecloth. OMG, it is gorgeous. I cannot believe you gave it to someone - you are one nice lady!!!

  18. Beautiful quilts.

  19. This is totally AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing it on the Flickr group - I would have missed it otherwise.

    Creating new designs is such a fluid and creative process. It doesn't surprise me that we've come up with similar designs. It's all apart of the trying out different shapes, different combination, and playing with it all on fabric to see what works in free motion.

    You're obviously an amazing quilter and I was so delighted to see your work today! Thanks for sharing!

    Leah Day

  20. I am amazed...and words are failing me right now!!!! Jaw-dropping! You have given me ideas...and I hope to be able to do something even a little bit like this down the road. Thanks!

  21. Emma your work is truly amazing. The use of color is beautiful. What do you use for thread?

  22. this is fabulous! saw it on Pinterest :)

  23. Just found your quilt on Pinterest. It is such a great example of machine quilting, such an inspiration! I'm almost tempted to stop everything I'm working on to practice some free machine quilting. Really, really lovely.

  24. This is one amazing quilt! Loved it!
    Cheers from India!

  25. I am an old quilter but a new machine quilter. I am astounded by your work. I can only hope to one day get a tenth as good as you. I am Pinning your quilt to help me get ideas for an applique quilt I am working on. You are fantastic girl.

  26. I'm so impressed with this. I love all the colors! I'm in the process of quilting a queen sized quilt on my domestic machine. So I really appreciate all your detail. Most impressive. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
