
Saturday 22 January 2011


I looked in my scrap box yesterday, and decided it was time to whittle it down a bit. It's not big (an old nappy box), and my scraps really are just that, scraps. Anything big enough to get folded is sorted and stored in the cupboards. I need to come up with a design to use some of the other scraps, but the brights are fairly easy to use. I just pulled them all out, and started sewing the small ones together. I started working on 50, and chain-pieced and pressed them.

This photo above was taken over half-way through. I ended up making an extra 3 blocks, and was left with a small, neat pile of bright scraps. I used up all the orange and yellow scraps, so stopped there. I did cut a lot of the scraps to shape, but I didn't use anything that wasn't in the scraps box.

I made 4.5in blocks - an easy size because I have a 4.5in square ruler, whch I used not only to trim them to size, but also as a guide when making them as to where I needed to add pieces to make the block big enough. Each square has 9-16 pieces of fabric. I love the photo below:

I'm not quite sure how I'll make them into blocks. I did a similar thing about 2 years ago when I made Happiness, and used the crazy-pieced squares as the centre of maverick stars. I don't want to do the same again, and am considering either a different star block, or bordering them with solids. The actual block and their size will determine how many I use in the quilt. I suspect I'll have some left over, and will leave them in the scrap box until I have more brights to make enough for the next quilt.


  1. That is the fastest way to clear out the scrap box, looks fabulous.

  2. Very, very nice, Emma! I do this all the time to make what I call "New Life" quilts. I add sashing, and sometimes cornerstones. When it's a quilt, I give it to a mission. After all, these quilts are made from nothing! The next time I make one, I intend to try putting the blocks on point to see how different that looks. Loved seeing that you make these blocks too.

  3. Hi Emma,
    I made a quilt similar to this awhile back. I put then with a black and white zebra print fabric... came out great.. Have fun!

  4. They look beautiful just as they are, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. Great job! All those remnants from your quilts. It will great identifying which ones were in which quilt.

  6. wow, that looks really stunning, I was picturing little squares but this is so much better!

  7. It looks fabulous! I reckon bordering with solids, but what would I know. Very happy looking blocks just itching to be made up. :-) Amazing what can be done with a few scraps .... inspirational!
