
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Canadian Inspiration in Homespun

I've been a bit slack blogging about this, but Canadian Inspiration is a project in the current issue of Australian Homespun (#94 - Vol. 12 No. 3). And with it is a bit of a profile about me, and some photos of a few of my other quilts.

Writing the instructions for this was a massive undertaking; the quilt wasn't simple to put together, and wasn't throughly planned before doing so, either - plus I made this a number of years ago (around 2002) and had to reconstruct a lot in my memory from photos and the quilt itself. I've learned a lot about quilt construction and designing since then, too.


  1. The magazine spread looks Fab! awesome quilt.

  2. Congratulations!! The quilt looks amazing, like all of yours. I love that they put the snowflake in, that is one of my favorites.

  3. beautiful!!
    I am so loving your blog & your work!!
    (but i don't like the grass cutter sitting on your quilt! lol)

    in Canada

  4. Congratulations Emma - wel done!!
