
Wednesday 23 March 2011

I daren't quilt!

I was happily quilting away this evening, but stopped for a break, and caught sight of a hunstman spider scuttling towards my sewing table. I didn't have anything handy to squash it, and it ran under the table. So now I refuse to go back to it tonight, though the underneath area has been well sprayed!

I spent the early part of the evening dithering. I'd finished the marked designs in pink, and was up to the outer edge - I didn't want the fuss of marking piano keys, but it needed the straight-line contrast against the feathered circles. So I gave in. The 1/2in-apart lines marked easily with the white sewline pencil on the black half, the but the green doesn't go on nearly as smoothly and it will take me a lot longer to mark the white half. I'm quilting this part using matching Bottomline thread - so black on the black for now. Before quilting the straight lines, I echo-quilted about 1/8in from the feathred circles to emphasise them a little. The black is nearly half done, and would be finished, but for that nasty interloper! This photo is from the back, so you can't see the various markling lines - the white half will have much more obvious quilting on the back, as the backing is all solid black.


  1. I've never heard of a huntsman spider before, so I looked it up--YIKES. How big was the one you saw. I was thinking it was regular spider size, but the bit poisonous. How would you squish one, with a brick? I'm loving the quilt by the way.

  2. Those of us in U.S. don't know dangers of Huntsman Spiders - will you elaborate on a future post? I keep returning to your blog, ... "enquiring minds want to know."

    BTW, your quilting is divine!!!

  3. I hope you catch that pesky spider soon, so you can carry on quilting, you are doing a fabulous job!

  4. Just last week we were finding Huntsman everyday in the house. I've been creeping around looking up and down before coming into a room. It's spring here so we'll be seeing all kinds of things, but please, not in the house.
