
Thursday 17 March 2011

Feathered circle

Last night I quilted the spine all around the border, then the feathers on the outer side of each circle, and tonight I'm working my way along the other side. Because fo the contrast thread, the backtracking around the tip of every second feather shows a little, but not enough to stand out unless you're looking at it intently while quilting.

In other news, I started some physio treatment for my ankle this afternoon. I am walking better on it, but it's still really quite swollen and sore. James came with me, as it was after I collected him from school. I have another appointment on Friday and will have both children with me - help!


  1. You are brave!...I'd never feather in such a contrasting color (it'd be a train wreck), nor would I take both (ok, I have 3 which is worse) kids to any appt of mine :-)

  2. I found your link on Red Pepper Quilts list - I also live in Adelaide. Your quilts are stunning and so prolific - don't you sleep? ha ha Very beautiful and inspiring work. Jill
