
Friday 18 March 2011

Night Snow

I've shown some photos of this quilt before, but a few days ago I finally got it outside to take some better photos in natural light. Photographing such a dark quilt is quite a challenge, and it took me a fair while editing the photos to get the colour anything like accurate. The first one is closest in colour; the background is a true navy blue, and the border is opalescent sky-blue (MM Fairy Frost).

It's impossible to capture in a photo, but the snow crystal itself is quilted with a sparkly silver metallic thread (Metallic by Superior - it glides through the machine better than any other metallic I've tried).

This last photo was taken in full (but very angled) sunlight, to emphasise the texture created by the quilting:

The background McTavishing is in navy Bottomline (also by Superior) and which for some reason in the photos shows itself with a non-existent greenish tinge. I echoed around the snow crystal and in the gaps between the branches just under 1/8in from the silver, then filled the remaining space.


  1. What a lovely looking quilt, you have done a super job of the quilting, the snowflake is awesome and I really like you Mc tavishing! I have yet to master that filler design, any tips please :)

  2. Simply beautiful, Emma! I want you to come here to sit beside me while I get started on a large quilt that I'm too intimidated to begin quilting! How soon can you come to West Des Moines, Iowa?!

  3. I love this quilt - the quilting is, as usual, outstanding, and sets off the snowflake beautifully! I love the texture it creates with the way the light hits it.
