
Thursday 31 May 2012

Comfort zone

As much as I enjoyed the freedom of the piecing I did at the Textured Treasures workshop, I'm back in my comfort zone doing foundation piecing this evening. This is a section of an original block which I'm calling 'brilliant' and will be part of my next quilt for Australian Patchwork & Quilting.

I'm also back in my comfort-zone time-wise. It's 3am, and I'm only going to bed because I have to get James to school and me to work in the morning. No silly 9.30pm sewing curfews here!


  1. Gorgeous colours! It looks like a lovely block :)

  2. Love the block, Emma! When do you sleep?

  3. Hi Emma, thanks for your comment recently! Our apartment is above oversnow, its a beautiful there, we love it, but it is costly, so we have to sell it unfortunately! Love your colours and the winged admirer!
