
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Skill sharing

Since the workshop, I've been collecting and ordering all sorts of goodies - fabric paints, stencils, foils, stamps-carving supplies, brushes.... and lots of plain white fabric (most from Dyed and Gone to Heaven). This afternoon Eleanor was keen to try it out, so I set up and prepared to use some of what I learned from Lisa Walton with her.

To start with she chose about 6 colours, but I limited her to a couple, and let her use 2 shades of each; we used Plum, Galah (pink), Wattle and Chamomile (deeper yellow).

For the second piece, we started by soaking up what was left on the plastic cloth from the previous piece, then used more of the plum, and finished off with the pink and yellows. To make most of the pattern, she painted the letters of her name randomly in different colours until it was all covered.

A peg on each corner helped keep them still on the lawn in the last patches of sunlight. It was pretty breezy outside - and we didn't start until late - so I've just brought them inside to finish drying; they're still damp so some of the print on the cloth shows through (the lower one is the piece she painted first):

Eleanor will be starting school next term (mid-July) and just as I did with James in the holidays before he started, Eleanor will start making her first quilt - and now she can incorporate some of her own fabrics!


  1. Ooh, love the colour choices Emma!

  2. Absolutely wonderful. I think we have a textile star in the making.

  3. They are both wonderful but I especially like the deep colors on the first one!!
