
Wednesday 6 June 2012

DQS12 Received

The Flickr Doll Quilt Swap (DQS) is one of the biggest and best around. The swap mamas work very hard to make sure everyone fulfills their swap obligations, but on the odd occasion the a swapper can't complete their quilt, there is a small army of quilt angels who step in to ensure that no-one misses out. For some reason, my partner had to pull out this round, but Jen (better known on Flickr as 'Pinkbrain and Mr. Chicken'!) saw that I, like her, love Sandi Henderson's Henna Garden prints, and offered to make me an angel quilt.

This little beauty makes me glad my allocated partner dropped out, because I can't imagine a quilt I'd love more. Jen clearly investigated me thoroughly before making this quilt, and paid close attention to all my likes and dislikes. Not only has she featured a rainbow of Henna Garden, but she's used another range I love (Terrain) and a little AMH (which I never know how to use, because of its scale). She also used the New York Beauty block that I love, and her points are all nice and sharp. And she chose a blue for the required solid. Perfect!

Thank you so much Jen. This isn't just any old angel quilt. It's made just for me with care and attention to detail, and I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great quilt! Gotta love an angel like personalized!
