
Tuesday 4 January 2011

2010 at Sampaguita Quilts

Here's a look-back at the quilts I made in 2010. There were 22 - which might seem like a lot, but is about half what I managed in 2009! I'm not sure what was the difference, although I do know that writing the beach pattern, a magazine article and instructions for 7 quilts for magazines did take a big chunk of time! And now that I think of it, I also quilted six quilts for other people. And several bouts of illness (and that silly finger incident) didn't help!

I started the year up the the holiday house making Parterre, which came out in Homespun in the middle of the year:

While at the house, I also made Southern Star for a friend's baby:

Then I jumped into my first wholecloth quilt, Feathered Flake - this sold straight from my blog, and sparked a new love I'm dying to do more of!

My first wholecloth was quickly followed by a second - Feahered Heart - which is currently available in my Etsy store:

Next was a doll's quilt for my nieces birthday; Tiny Fairies matches her bed quilt:

I joined the Quilting Gallery's Winter Swap and made Iced Chocolate next:

I also particpated in the Flickr DQS8, and made Snow Dance for my partner:

Next came a mad rush to finish the queen-size Nullarbor Stars as my sister-in-law's wedding gift:

The next two quilts were minkee-backed flannel snuggle quilts for James and Eleanor. Giggle and Hoot have brought me lots of visits from parents of other Giggle and Hoot fans!

Another baby quilt came next; Soft as a Feather, incorporating minkee into the top, for a friend/relative in England:

My next completion was a commissioned bed quilt, and probably the quilt I am most proud of this year - Hush in the Forest:

A birthday present for my younger niece came next, so she could copy her big sister; Nectar will match the bed quilt I will be making her sometime this year:

This next quilt, Snowy Owl, was for a cousin's baby girl - and never got properly blogged - maybe this year I'll remedy that!

Andrea's Dream cam next - an urgent job for Australian Patchwork and Quilting and which appeared on their Christmas cover (although oddly, this issue has just appeared in the US - with a different cover!) I still haven't photographed it properly! I am contemplating placing this one in my Etsy store:

The Flickr DQS9 came around (note: round 10 is open for nominations until the 10th of January) and I made Marmalade & Jam for my partner:

The next quilt, Through the Arched Window, was for a new niece, and I used it as the basis of my beach quilt pattern:

Before the cold weather was completely over, I finished my own snuggle quilt; Jindy:

Then Valori Wells kindly sent me some blue elephant from her about-to-be-released Bliss range, so I could make Parade of Elephants, for my elephant-mad sister's new baby, Edward:

Towards the end of the year, I finally finished Morning Swim for a friend's baby:

For the annual EBDQS4, I made May - a wholecloth representation of pieced blocks, for Helen:

My final finish (slowed by a certain rotary-cutter incident!) for 2010 was a custom-made winter tree, entitled Bountiful Winter:

I had hoped to finsh another 3 quilte between Christmas and New Year (they only require 1 - binding and a label, 2 - finsh quilting, bind and label and 3 - sandwich, quilt, bind and label). Oh well, they'll give me a quick start to 2011, which looks to be as busy as lasy year!

My list of quilts to make is as long as ever. The quilts I made this year were mostly on that list - at some point! (the feathered heart and flake, and my suggle quilt were all 'extras' snuck in!) - but there are a lot which remain on the list - mostly projects for myself, which keep getting dropped down the priority order. I don't imagine too muich will change.

I'm pretty happy with 2010; a good list of quilts made, six quilts, one article and a profile published in magazines, more coming in 2011, and a new pattern out. My goals for 2011 are a few more quilts (about 30), maybe even whittle down my to-do list, prepare another pattern, get some more quilts and articles published, sell a few quilts, and do some client quilting - really more of the same.


  1. Emma, you're a legend. Such a lovely body of work for the year - I'm looking forward to seeing what you make this year :)

  2. Oh how lovely to see them all together like that. What a clever lady you are.

  3. I'm amazed! I'll be following your blog for inspirationg!

  4. WOW, they are all wonderful, I love them all Hush in the forest is really great, Oh I wish I had more time.
