Sunday 8 March 2009


After thinking about it the last few rounds, I've joined the Flickr Doll Quilt Swap (DQS6). I can see my partner being a bit of a challenge for me, so in the hopes of making life easier for the person making my quilt, I've created a mosaic of some of my favourite quilts on Flickr. I hope my partner does the same!

The links aren't working properly here, so go to the mosaic in my Flickr photostream, and it will link you to all the individual photos and tell you who made them.

I like fresh colours and a sharp finish.
My favourite colour is blue - anything from aqua through to purple.
I love anything to do with snowflakes.
I currently have a bit of a 'thing' for white.
My favourite animals are pandas and frogs.
Shimmer and sparkle are good.
I love to see a touch of 'you' in a quilt, maybe a gesture towards your part of the world.

I don't like buttons, yoyos or ricrac.
I'm not a fan of browns, oranges or too much pink - though they can be great in the right place.
I don't like vintage, retro or reproduction fabrics/quilts.
Please nothing religious.

I'm intending to hang my quilt, so it doesn't need to be highly washable or child-safe.

I hope this has helped. I know sometimes a list like this can be daunting!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Gee, if I weren't so completely against this swap, I think I probably could have designed something you might like :-)
Hope your experience is drastically different from mine was.