Friday, 15 January 2010

Twinkle, twinkle, Little star!

Seeing as I can't show a lot of what I'm working on at the moment, I thought I'd try and blog a few quilts which somehow escaped being blogged properly at the time. This post is actually about a pair of quilts, made for two sisters.

First came Twinkle, twinkle.

This quilt was foundation-pieced in sections; here it is in progress on a temporary 'design wall':

I'd pinned the background squares for each star in place here, and I used my camera to record my planned layouts as reference while I pieced them. Very handy!

Then for her little sister I made a matching quilt and called it Little Star. The only photo of this I blogged was this altered image here!

Here is what the quilt actually looks like:

I still wonder if the silvery snowflakes are too dominating!

This detail of the photo block shows just how similar they are. I printed out two squares (one per quilt) with the text and a centre-focused gradated colour background (after several trials in black and white on scrap paper to get the right size) onto printable cotton lawn and sliced them into QSTs to  position around the photo.


Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

The purple quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I love the movement in it too.

Annieofbluegables said...

that is just stunning! I am so impressed with you.