Taking Helen's lead, I thought I would finish the year with a summary of the quilts I have completed this year.
The first was one of my favourites, Seaside, a cot quilt for my first niece, Zoe:

Then a cot quilt for Charlie, son of one of my EB friends, using Paula Nadelstern's Puzzle quilt ideas:

The next quilt was rather sad; a memory quilt called Angel Stars for one of the mothers in my EB Parents' group, who lost both her twins:

Next were a couple more cot quilts. For my cousin's baby Angus:

And one for a colleague's baby Joshua, born only 4 hours before Eleanor, and across the hallway from us in hospital:

Next was James' big-bed quilt, Snow in the Jungle:

A quilt for Eleanor's room, to be revealed after its June 2008 publication in Australian Patchwork & Quilting Magazine :

Another cot quilt for a friend's 2nd boy, Zach, Oriental Dragonflies:

At last a quilt for Eleanor to play on and named by James; E'nor Wrug:

A Disappearing Nine Patch made as a swap with the Essential Baby Quilters; Where Did the Irises Disappear To?:

Yet another cot quilt for an EB friend having her 2nd baby, Hannah; Sunrise to Sunset:

And finally the rush of 4 play quilts for Kellie's children just in time for Christmas.
I also set myself a challenge with the Essential Baby Quilters to finish remaking the king-sized hand-pieced quilt I made in 1998-99, by the end of this year. I only have to finish the quilting and binding, and will be taking it with me to Simon's parents' holiday house at Port Hughes tomorrow. I think I will get it done.
I have a handful of quilts already in mind for 2008; most urgently 2 commissioned quilts for a couple of little girls' first big beds. Stay tuned!
I hope 2007 was a wonderful year for you all, and that 2008 is happy, healthy, and (you know who you are, girls!) full of babies and sewing!