I finished quilting this wedding present. The fine stippling in the background left the compass points very puffy, so I had to quilt them heavily, too. To keep the pointy effect, I did about 8 rows of internal echo-quilting on the larger blue points, and managed to get away without quilting the smaller points.

Photos of the front in daylight tomorrow.
I've also been quilting another fun mystery project tonight. It has even tinier stippling, but this time I knew to expect to need to quilt the border. Quilting shrinks a quilt, and the more of it there is, the more it shrinks. So a heavily quilted centre will leave wavy borders if they're left unquilted, even if it lay flat prior to quilting. I hadn't wanted to quilt over the feature fabric border in the quilt above, but decided I'd better. It actually didn't detract from the print, and has resulted in a much flatter quilt.
A few other fabrics also arrived today, including 4y of a beautiful blue snowflake flannel, which doesn't get counted in the stash. Minus what I used for The Right Direction, Stash = 992m