Yesterday my aunt visited and we had morning tea on the back verandah while James played in the sunshine and Eleanor slept in our arms, then Gran dropped by with the smocked dress she'd ordered for Eleanor. She really wanted to get her one, so we went out for me to choose it a few weeks ago. I think it'll be the most expensive dress she owns until she gets married. We had it made to fit her at about 6 months, by which stage she should be sitting up and able to show it off a bit better, and it'll be warmer.

Last night and this morning I finished the quilting on my friend's quilt; it's just awaiting time while I'm watching television and not feeding Eleanor to hand stitch my initials and the back of the binding.
This morning Simon took James out to buy a trailer for his bike. He has been wanting one for over a year, but theyre expensive and he's been doing his research. James loves wearing his new helmet and when they got back from their quick trial ride James demanded "more, piss" (please!) so they did another lap of the block - by which time James was asleep! They're out in it again now. I can forsee a lot more riding for Simon in the future, although he already rides to and from work and we're up in the hills!

Beautiful Dress!!
Looking forward tro seeing that dress on Eleanor! I'm sure the time will fly. Austy loves his helmet and sunnies (babybanz) because it means he gets to go "ride bikes wiv Daddy". We usually all go together and stop for a milkshake which makes it all the more fun for him. He has a wee rider - it goes on the front of the bike so we can keep our eyes on him and it doesn't over balance the bike. The trailers look pretty cool though, and you can fit two kids in there.
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