As I finished James and Eleanor's Christmas stockings just days before Christmas, I wondered how they would remain 'hung' after being filled. Ours were always placed on the floor - not an option in our house with 2 indoor dogs. I came up with the idea of handbag hooks - but too late to bother trying to find any.
On Christmas Eve, I ran out of ribbon for making Bec and Ra's tutus (a late request from James, and apparently his favourite thing of the day!) and had to dash to Spotlight for a 50c reel of 3mm pale pink robbon. Right next to the ribbons were these handbag hooks, at $5.95 each. Perfect!
They hold up to 20kg, and did the job perfectly!

Bec and Ra have just snuck out of bed for a quick photo in their new tutus:

And here they are dancing ballet with James this morning:

More on Christmas later!
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