Sunday, 28 September 2008


Today we took James and Eleanor to Monarto; an open-range conservation zoo about 70km out of Adelaide. It opened in 1993, and I haven't been since it first opened. It has come a long way, with a lot of new viewing areas and developments just opened or about to open. I'd love to go back and do the meet-and-greet-the-baby-cheetahs tour - if I had a spare $350!

It's mostly African animals; giraffes, cheetahs, lions, painted dogs, white rhino... There are organised bus tours through most of the animals, and both kids lasted well through the 1-hour tour. James isn't too well, and did fall asleep in my lap at the end, and Eleanor did her share of wriggling in Simon's lap, but was quite happy.

It's hard to get good photos with James jumping around my lap, but here are a few of the day. This baby giraffe was only born last week.

Eleanor riding a zebra. There's a large area of bones, pelts, horns, hooves etc to touch.

James had his hand eaten by a lion: James was also very excited to have a camel ride. He keeps telling me it was bumpy!

We should take them to the zoo more often. Certainly we will soon; from next October, Adelaide Zoo will have a pair of Giant Pandas - my favourite animals!


Leah said...

Pandas! Wow - I had no idea... guess we'll be visiting Adelaide next year then :)

Gina said...

Great photos. I love going to wildlife parks.

Love and hugs Gina xxx