Thursday 27 November 2008


My parents came with their small chainsaw to cut up most of the fallen tree and have taken the wood to fuel their pot-belly stove next winter. The remainder of the trunk is too big, and needs a bigger chainsaw. Luckily we have a friend with access to one - and a wood stove which also needs fuel! It's a great deal - we just let them come and do all the work, and we're all happy!
James warned Andrew to be careful not to cut his 'ladder'!
Where the trunk started to branch out was over a circle of roses, so I helped keep them out of the chainsaw. I trust my Daddy!
James helped, too.Mind those fingers!


Andi said...

So cute!!

Gina said...

What a darling little helper

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Corinne Zambeek - van Hasselt said...

Adorable little guy.
Greeting from a quilter from the Netherlandse.